Learn About Jamón

Jamón is at the heart of Spanish culture and cuisine.  While Spain’s regions vary in their local food traditions, cured Serrano and Ibérico hams are treasured from coast to coast, from the markets of Barcelona to the bars of Galicia and everywhere in between.

There exist two great traditions of artisanal cured hams in Spain, both of which are a source of enjoyment and great pride...

Jamón is the culinary treasure of Spain and Spaniards eat more ham per person than anywhere else in the world.  A whole jamón can easily be stored in your kitchen and used daily for tapas or in recipes.

Storing Your Ham

Store your whole, bone-in jamón in a cool, dry and ventilated place, either resting in a holder (jamonero) or hung by the rope. To preserve...

The dehesa is a landscape of beautiful harmony.  Holm oak and cork trees, grasses, and aromatic plants thrive in an ecosystem maintained by humans for many centuries as a foraging ground for cattle, sheep, fighting bulls and Ibérico pigs. It is also an especially important reserve for aromatic plants such as thyme or rosemary and a wide variety of wild mushrooms. This exceptional...

Soon you will be able to tell the quality of an Ibérico ham by glancing at a tag attached to each leg!  Spain passed a law in 2014 to certify the breed, feed and lifestyle of each jamon to protect this finest of hams from confusing and sometimes fraudulent labeling practices.

There will be four colors to quickly inform customers of the breed and feed of the hams: black for pure...